Enoc Noc Nocing on Heaven's Door (sorry im not crazy about this title either): Death In Space Ep 4
/This ep began like so many do, as a conundrum. We got three issues right off the top that need to get addressed as fast as possible: Olive/Crenshaw just learned that his GF Athena may be somewhere in the depths of the asteroid, To just popped a Hyde, and Carmen is supposed to deal with both of those things while propelling forward in search of her husband. Also, this has to be the pentultimate ep, and serious progress needs to be made because the special thing I have planned for the last episode relies on certain resolutions of certain plot points. But also I hate rails, so even though the easiest solution to this problem would be to put this on a rail, I’m NOT putting this on a rail. How does all this get achieved? The answer is: Enoc.
Spoilers ahead so if you haven’t heard the ep yet, here’s your last chance to listen without getting spoiled.
I decided he only way to steer the episode from sheer chaos was to introduce a guide - someone motivated to lead the party in a clear direction. In order to keep this sucker off the rails, I decided that the party would have the option to ignore Enoc, or to mistrust the guy and Zig as he offered a Zag.
Here are my exact notes for the top of the episode.
Enoc the blues man comes out of the crappy bar. He’s cool.
“Hold on hold on what’s all the commotion here, my friends?
Say, do you have a place to stay?
Oh yes, I know him. He’s on an extended stay with the miners at the base of the pit trying to work. It’s dangerous to go that way alone. But I could take you to him!!!!”
Three options will present themselves henceforth
Follow Enoc, he will take you to an ambush of Sex Wolves
Do not follow Enoc, follow a psychedelic vision brought on by drinking blood (Too)
Do not follow Enoc, try and hack it yourself
(Most unlikely) ask around for how to get to the coffin. A miner would lead you if you passed a trust check at a disadvantage.
If you listened to the ep, you know the crew went with option one. Here are my notes for options 2-4.
Blood Visions
Too (now From) has a suspicion that consuming more human blood will make the high last longer and go deeper.
If she does consume the equivalent of 4 cups of human blood, she will see the path. It will diverge from enoc. Past the.ast miner camp, through a series of tight tunnels. There will be a beast in the way.
I roll for the beast. It’s their den. Sneak or fight.
Hack it on your own
Miners laugh at you wandering randomly into a tunnel. Hours pass. You run into a beast. Then the sex wolves attack. (Less sex wolves and it’s not a surprise)
Winning trust
To win trust you have to play craps for his service and respect. If you win he leads you to, warning that you will run into nasty creatures. You run into a creature, but his presence will let your first group skill roll have advantage.