JUMP TO / WHAT is NeoScum / WHERE to start NeoScum / WHO is NeoScum / WHY NeoScum
WHAT is NeoScum
NeoScum is a narrative comedy podcast featuring five Chicago improvisers antagonizing their way through a neon-80s action movie interpretation of the roleplaying classic, Shadowrun.
It follows a group of misfits and outsiders: Z, the acerbic cyber-troublemaker; Pox, the candy-junky klepto from across the pond; Tech Wizard, the public access actor with a petulant thirst for adventure; and Dak Rambo, the nastiest trucker this side of the robo-Mason-Dixon. Join the irascible NeoScum crew on a raucous rockin' roadtrip through a weirdo world of tomorrow, doling out street justice to every deeb they encounter – whether they deserve it or not.
At its core, NeoScum is the story of damaged outsiders on a road trip west, growing into the found family they never knew they needed. Wow, can you believe that shit??
WHERE to start NeoScum
NeoScum is a rip roarin’ improvised adventure with a whole lotta laughs and a whole lotta eps.
But don’t worry! NeoScum is divided into several arcs that serve as great jumping in points. Each arc starts with a recap but if you want to catch up on more of the story at once, you can listen to the NeoScum Full Series Recap (Arcs 1-10).
NeoScum’s audio quality starts rough, but eventually it becomes known for extremely high production value sound design and music from label HoZac Records.
We think some good entry points might be Arc 3: By Xanadu’s Wings, Arc 5: Blood Toll, Arc 8: Death Trade, or the first episode in the current ongoing arc.
Or check out the Best of 2017 and Best of 2018 compilation episodes for one hell of an introduction!
WHO is NeoScum
NeoScum is Blair Britt, Mike Migdall, Gannon Reedy, Eleni Sauvageau, and Casey Toney. You can learn more about them in Meet the Cast, but here are their roles in the show.
JUMP TO / The Game Master / Dak Rambo / Zenith / Pox / Tech Wizard
The Game Master
Played by Gannon Reedy
As Game Master, Gannon is the driving force behind the narrative. He dictates the world around the characters and creates the obstacles they must overcome. Gannon plays most of the non-player characters (NPCs) the cast interacts with as he unravels a wild and unforgettable story that adapts (dramatically) to the whims of its players. A Game Master is not always an iconoclast, but in this case, they are.
Dak Rambo
Played by Mike Migdall
A man with a million aliases, "The Handsomest Trucker On The Road" has one name that stands above the rest: Dak Rambo. And he doesn't care who knows it. The renegade driver with a storied past is a new world take on an old world way. There's never been much in this world Dak couldn't hop in his truck, Xanadu, and drive away from. But when NeoScum’s journey takes him down an old familiar road, Dak’s past catches up with him in ways he'd never expect.
Played by Blair Britt
The analytical and acerbic cyber-troublemaker affectionately known as "Z" may not look like much, but the hacker is deadly, both in and out of the digital world. A victim of a past he cannot remember, his body is host to a variety of cybernetic augmentations. The most conspicuous: a spherical, flying drone in his left eye socket, distinguished by a Z-shaped scar. Who made him this way — and for what purpose — hides in the fractures of his shattered memories.
Played by Eleni Sauvageau
The candy-crazed katana killer from across the pond, "Pox", earned her moniker from the innumerable pockets of her iconic jacket – a fashion-forward fortress she lines with stolen trinkets and treats. Her playful and impulsive nature masks a vacancy she can never fill; the young runaway fled the kingdom and her sister with it, who remains trapped as a victim of their powerful and sadistic father. She aims to return and run him through. If he doesn't find her first.
Tech Wizard
Played by Casey Toney
The public-access actor with the magic touch, Squirt Purpler, adopted the pseudonym "Tech Wizard" after his most notable role: the villain in a children's TV show. Chubby, broken, and blonde, TW lived a sheltered life in his Nana's care, hiding his magic abilities from the public's hostile eye. That is, until adorning his dead father's robes for the role. He wouldn't begin to fathom their significance until leaving his life behind to travel with the NeoScum – right toward the childhood trauma that formed him.
Played by Herself
A true "God of the Road", Xanadu is an unstoppable 50 ton tank on 18 wheels of fury. Dak Rambo's trusty ride has always been his most consistent companion, and is now a second home to the NeoScum and their guests as they travel across future-fantasy America, one stop at a time.
WHY listen to NeoScum
Here's what listeners are saying about NeoScum:
RATING: ★★★★★
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard as I do listening to this podcast.”
“The Best Funniest Heartwarmingest Boys
RATING: ★★★★★
Please listen to this show. You will not regret it. You’ll laugh you’ll cry you might even nut, I don’t know your life or interests. I regularly do 6-7 hour road trips for work and these goofy, wonderful people make my drives bearable. I can not recommend this podcast enough, just listen to it already!”

Thanks for giving NeoScum a try.
We hope you love it ♡
JUMP BACK TO / WHAT is NeoScum / WHERE to start NeoScum / WHO is NeoScum / WHY NeoScum