The Eternal Hero of Monomyth: Jackass's Party Boy

In 2018 I was writing a list of things I was enjoying for the Scumletter. I can’t remember why, but decided to write about Party Boy in Jackass. While I was writing about what I dug about this particular bit from the first Jackass, I very pretentiously decided to trace it back to Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. Turns out it fit perfectly. Here’s my pitch on how Party Boy is the immortal hero, defeater of death, master of his world:

The Party Boy in Japan
Everything about this bit rocks. I started writing the following list of everything I like from this clip, but then started also IDing how it also is an accurate example of Joseph Campbell’s stages of the MonoMyth. I hope you enjoy:
1. Party Boy is in a track suit
2. He introduces himself to the guy as the electronic store as party boy. “Hi. I’m Party Boy.” Incredible.
3. He describes the music coming out of the speakers as “party music.”
4. He asks the guy who’s helping him if he likes the music. And the guy nods. (In hero of a thousand faces, Joseph Campbell would describe this as “The call to action”)
5. When Party Boy says “That makes me wanna party” the guy who’s helping him gives a polite but manly laugh of agreement as if to say “oh yes this makes me want to party too. I agree.” (Campbell’s “supernatural aid” can be ID’d as the music: it is the spirit of partying which immediately inspires party boy to action)
6. The employee doesn’t realize what’s happening until Pontius has fully undressed and aggressively dancing at him. He turns to politely walk away, but then decides better of it and runs. (Campbell would identify this as “the crossing of the first threshold.” Party Boy is now in the fields of adventure.)
7. Party Boy throws his pants at the employee. I love that.
8. Party boy grinds on a businessman. This is the Belly of the Whale, our hero can no longer return to the life he once knew (wearing a tracksuit).
9. We see Party Boy’s huge ass, and as the camera pans to the right, the road of trials in introduced as the police officer moving to pursue party boy.
10. Party Boy is tested as the officer attempts to arrest him. Un deterred he grinds on the officer. The officer is horrified. Point Party Boy.
11. Party Boy steals the officers hat and dances away. This is “The Meeting of the Goddess,” as we can evidently see Party Boy experiencing the love of the all powerful as he dances sexily in wearing a police officer’s hat.
12. Temptation can be found as party boy chooses to do a taunting dance that leads to the officer getting his hat back from him. Terror strikes the heart of the viewer: is this the last for Party Boy? Is he due to be punished for his pursuit of meaning?
13. Atonement of the father is when party boy has to give the hat back to the officer. The officer is forced to get close to party boy, intimately close, face to face, forcing him to make the decision, to punish party boy for his insolence or find resolution.
14. Party Boy’s confession to give the officer back can be seen as Apostasis: where the physical, perfect version of party boy (party boy wearing a cop hat) must die so that the spirit and energy of this idea of party boy may live on eternal
15. Ultimate boon: the officer walks away! Party boy is free!
16. And thus Party Boy takes his magical flight from the electronics store, presumably as a new man, a master of both worlds: living within the super-ego of culture and the id of partying.Chris Pontius is my favorite of the dudes in Jackass. Chris, please come on Neoscum